THE Young University Rankings

THE Young University Rankings

In the Times Higher Education Young University Rankings (THE Young University Rankings) 2024, which lists the world’s top young universities that are aged 50 years and under, Istanbul Medeniyet University has been ranked 401-500 globally, sharing with 8 universities the 13th rank among all universities ranked from Turkey and the 5th rank among the public universities.

In THE Young Universities Rankings 2024, which has undergone significant updates in its methodology, universities were assessed across a total of 18 performance indicators in five areas: Teaching (the learning environment); Research environment (volume, income and reputation); Research quality (citation impact, research strength, research excellence and research influence); International outlook (staff, students and research); and Industry (income and patents). Among a total of 1171 young universities from all over the world, 673 universities meeting the relevant criteria were included in the ranking, and Turkey was the country with the highest representation rate with 58 universities that fulfill the criteria.

The detailed results show that IMU achieved its highest score in the Research Quality category with 48.8 points and ranks the 11th among the young universities in Turkey and the 3rd among the Turkish public universities listed in this category. In terms of IMU’s success in the ranking areas, the Research Quality category is followed by International Outlook, Teaching, Industry and Research Environment, respectively.

You can access the results of THE Young Universities Rankings 2024 here.