
“Beauty in Pregnancy and Puerperium” Symposium Held in IMU


Organized within the scope of “7th Gynecology and Obstetrics Days” through the collaboration of Istanbul Medeniyet University Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of Dermatology and Venereology, and Turkish Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the symposium “Beauty in Pregnancy and Puerperium" was held on 14-15 December 2024 at Âşık Paşa Conference Hall in the South Campus of our University.

The symposium started with the opening speeches of our Rector Prof. Dr. Gülfettin ÇELİK, Dean of IMU Faculty of Medicine Prof. Dr. Sadrettin PENÇE, Head of IMU Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Prof. Dr. Abdulkadir TURGUT and Head of IMU Department of Dermatology and Venereology Prof. Dr. Mehmet Salih GÜREL.

In his speech, Rector Prof. Dr. Gülfettin ÇELİK presented an important perspective on individual and public health from past to present. Stating that human health requires interdisciplinary approaches, especially in sensitive periods such as pregnancy and puerperium, ÇELİK said, “Today, not only the physical health of the individual, but also the psychological, sociological and economic dimensions are carefully considered. Such events are of great importance in terms of contributing to public health and raising awareness." Referring to the scientific and social contribution mission of the university, ÇELİK said, “This symposium is a valuable example of one of the areas where science directly touches human life.”

In the sessions organized after the opening speeches, the effects of pregnancy and puerperium on individual and public health were evaluated in detail. Participants shared scientific developments and solution suggestions in this field. They stated that the symposium played an important role in raising awareness not only for healthcare professionals but also for the society.

During the two-day symposium, many topics ranging from skin changes encountered during pregnancy and puerperium to cosmetic applications, nutritional recommendations and support for psychological well-being were discussed. On the first day, topics such as pregnancy-specific dermatoses, skin changes and hair care were evaluated through presentations by experts. On the second day, the symposium featured presentations on critical topics such as sleep problems, maternity blues and postpartum depression.

The symposium, which was open to the students and staff of our university as well as external participants, provided a free professional training opportunity for medical students and healthcare professionals.